AFTER BALI, YOGYAKARTA PROVINCE is the second tourist destination in Indonesia. Here are some tourist destinations which are recommended.
Tugu Yogyakarta
Tugu |
The monument is a symbol of the city of Yogyakarta.
Kraton (sultan) palace
Area Kraton |
The Royal Place has a museum know popularly as the Kraton Yogyakarta Museum. It is located in the Kraton land. It keeps several items of the heritage from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwano, including they photographic equipment. There is also a Royal Carriage museum located on the west side of Kraton on Rotowijayan Street. This museum has a collection of all kinds of Palace Carriages including Kiai Garuda Yeksa, Kyai Jaladara, and Kiai Kanjeng Jimat. It was built on 14.000 m2 in Javanese architecture design. Open daily: 08.30-13.30, tiket :Rp. 5000,- and available guides, (0274-373721).
Sekaten Fair
Sekaten Fair is a special fair held every year in the North Square of Yogyakarta. This square is located in front of the Sultan Palace. It is usually as the opening event of celebrating the birth of Prophet Mohammad celled Maulid Nabi Day. The fair is held for about a month before the big day of the celebration.
It attract many domestics and foreign tourists. Yogyakarta people and surroundings won’t miss it, especially children. They can shop clothes, household, food, and special souvenirs in a cheap price. They don’t need to bargain like in the traditional market because the price is fixed. They can also enjoy many games such as merry go around, ghost house, mini train, jet casters etc. but don’t forget to bay the entrance fee. It really amuses people every year. They are always waiting for the next Sekaten fair impatiently.
Ø Tamansari Water Castle
Meaning ‘fragrant garden,’ it was once a most secret part of Kraton as pleasure park of pools and water ways with a tower for overlooking the female bathing pools, the sultan would choose is companion for the evening. It is located near Kraton Palace complex. It was built by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. It open everyday from 08.00-14.00, tiket Rp. 2.500,- (0274-6643662)
Ø Gembira Loka Zoo
Hundred various of fauna and flora, forested area and sailing on a boat will be unforgettable moment Kasongan The home of pottery makers and handicraft producers.
Benteng Vredeburg
Fort Vredeburg |
Fort Vredeburg is a fortress built by the Duch in Yogyakarta duringColonial times . It is located in front of Gedung Agung , one of seven presidential palaces in Indonesia and the Sultan Palace called karton. It was built in 1765 to protect the Dutch governor. It is surrounded by a trench that is still visible.This square-shaped fortress has a watchtower at each of its four corners. In the past, the Dutch troops patrolled frequently on its wall. It open everday from 06.00-18.00, tiket Rp 7500,- (0274-586934)
Ø Sonobudoyo Museum
Near Kraton Palace, it is the second place to see ceramics from Neolitical Age, original 8 and 9 century, statues, puppet, masks, and wayang to heirlooma and artifacts from Bali, completed after the one in Jakarta.
Ø Yogya Monument Kembali
Musium Yogya Kembali (MONJALI) |
It commemorates the re-functioning of Yogyakarta as the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia.